Monday, November 30, 2015


We are in an age where material things have become a big necessity. A young man wants to drive the best cars, live in the best houses , have a beautiful family etc. It is the 21st century where things  happen very fast, new innovations popping up daily, the phone you’re holding right now possibly has a newer version. Oh yea now all of these puts a demand on us to make a lot of money so we can afford all. Use the latest phones, go on vacation, send our children to the best schools etc. The irony is that many people desire all of these but do not know how to achieve them. That is why a lot of people are struggling to get the best jobs around but come to think of it; there are many people who have really good jobs , they have the money but no fulfillment. So is it a truth that you can have money and not be fulfilled? Well someone would say ‘let me have the money first’. Oh yes because poverty is a very bad thing. ‘Veeery’ bad! Not being able to afford your meals, take yourself round town, wear the clothes you desire, it is bad. There are levels of poverty you know but when you get to some interior villages you would think twice that you are not poor.

Nevertheless, poverty is a thing of the mind that translates into the pocket. As a man thinks so is he. If he thinks he is poor then he is, if he thinks he is rich then he is. The difference between the two is what happens in the heart of the two people, what knowledge they get to take themselves from where they are to where they really want to be. Every man has something, no man is without a something. No man is without a talent, a gift, a purpose!  Seeking first the kingdom and its righteousness means seeking the heart of God. In the bid to do this you will discover yourself and all that God has put inside you, seek it pursue it vehemently and every other thing (cars, shoes, vacation etc) shall be added. Remember a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses, it consists in the fulfillment of his purpose.

When you discover yourself, you set yourself on a smooth path to success. Your identity defined. No confusion about yourself. Your esteem intact such that even when you don’t have money in your pocket you are sure of who you are. So rather than pursuing money, or fame why not pursue purpose. Pursue the substance in your existence and you will be a happy man indeed! 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


It was my girl’s birthday, so everyone played with winnie balloon until we decided to throw it up for the delight of everyone watching.  Sure as soon as winnie started going up everyone shouted till we could no longer see it in the sky. We decided to keep the bigger, more expensive tea cup 3 balloon to make it fly another day. Day unknown.

And so the following day as her cousins played with the balloon; it got stuck to the roof. So I said ‘ why not throw a pillow at it. Of course, the excitement was much Abraham threw it a pillow; at the second shot instead of coming down ; it busted! Everyone became quiet and unhappy. This balloon was supposed to fly to the excitement of everyone and not burst.

As I looked at the remains of this precious tea cup balloon; it occurred to me that this story can be the story of two people. One fulfilled its exact purpose, the other did not. The one who did can be said to have blessed the people watching’; excited them ; infact showed someone who had never seen such before what is possible. It was fulfilling to see. And the other , even though it was bigger it gave no joy bursting because that was not what it was meant to do. Everyone who saw it burst were sad , those who heard were also sad. This is what happens when a man goes about without fulfilling purpose. His life becomes unceremonious; people cannot get the juice they ought to get from him, causing them pain without knowing.

Would you rather be the small cheap balloon that fulfills purpose or the big more expensive balloon? You don’t need to be sophisticated to do what you were created to do. If you do, everyone one will be happy especially YOU!