Wednesday, November 19, 2014


So I say again as it is written ‘righteousness exalts a nation, sin is a reproach, a disgrace to any people.’

Righteousness means in right standing; doing the things that are morally right and justifiable. These things please God. Do you know there are many righteous people all over the world who do not even know God? In the context of my writing today, I have discovered there are many nations that are righteous, they do not know God but they do the things that are pleasing to God because those are the right things to do. And you know what? they will be exalted.

A nation that cares for her poor, the weak, the widow, feeds the hungry, provides justice for the cheated, does not throw people in prison without cause, punishes offenders regardless of their status, this type of nation is declared righteous before God. They will be lifted. You see God does not need to know a man personally for his benefits of obeying his principles to work. Even in the church of God, Christ said ye hypocrites, you tithe your smallest income but have neglected the weightier matters of the law – justice, mercy, faith. He said yes you should tithe, but do not neglect the more important things. Do you get an idea that giving justice, equality, having mercy is more important to God than tithing?

Nations where the weak, the sick can get comfort without knowing anyone, where they have put systems in place to take care, not when a woman delivers a baby in a General hospital and the next available space for her is a plastic chair ;no bed.

Why is Bill Gates prospering? He may not even be a Christian. Reason; when anyone genuinely cares for people, that person is meeting the heartbeat of God because human beings are the most precious assets to God on earth and you see, it is his principle the light of such person will break forth like the dawn and his healing spring up speedily, his righteousness shall go before him and the glory of the Lord his rear guard. That is why I am of the opinion, even though such people may not know God; God still preserves them. So I encourage especially if you are a Nigerian, whatever opportunity you have, invest in people, feed the hungry , sponsor children in school, speak against injustice; could we work towards creating a system that is righteous, that cares for the weak. A judicial system that is credible. Free people that have been locked up in prison for no reason. A system that lays hold of four young men on the streets and burns them to death without being charged to court is a wicked system. We must change from our wicked ways and follow the principles that have elevated other prosperous nations.

Love in the society, care for the downtrodden,  the weak, the widow, the sick, freedom for those unjustly in prison. Human rights protection, using the resources of the nation for the good of all not for the benefits of a few and their families. Water, good roads, food in abundance , electricity make the common man comfortable, education for all. These and many more form the heartbeat of God and in essence would make us a righteous nation.

Righteousness lifts up a nation, sin diminishes a people.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014



Can two work together except they agree? No they can't if they don't agree. So two people who intend to live together forever must understand what the dreams  (aspirations, imaginations, thoughts etc) of each other are. They must be aware and accept the future they both see of themselves.

If a lady is marrying a pilot for example, she must come to terms with the reality of having her husband being in the air flying an airplane a lot of times. The marriage would come with the risk, Or a man who marries a woman who is a lawyer but now works in the bank as a marketer but derives no pleasure in going to work everyday because the job takes her far from what gives her joy.

One party trying to mold their  spouse later on into who they are not in these situations can ultimately break those marriages .

This means that during courtship discussions on dreams and aspirations are very important. A woman who from time always told a man she would prefer to be a housewife should not be coerced into picking up a job later on. She could just believe in staying at home and taking care of their children. Any man who marries her should not become uncomfortable later in the future.

 hat is not to say people’s dreams don’t change, we must always give room for flexibility and maturity. A person’s dreams can mature and be improved on later on in life. What really matters is the understanding of what is most paramount to the person at that time. Two people are in marriage to make each other better and happy. Any marriage not doing this is off course. Marriage is for a purpose and the two people must discover from God why they ought to marry, for what purpose? That is a discussion for the next post. 

Love from moi

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Sola my friend is facing so much in her marriage right now. She said her husband smokes, drinks and womanizes. I shook my head the day she confessed to me. She said it appears there is even a woman in their compound he is sleeping with despite the fact that he is hardly around. I asked her if she didn’t know he did all of that, she said he pretended to her throughout their courting days.
 I remember our pastor talking to her and telling her to pause the marriage plans ; just give a little more time, my friend was so much in a hurry she wouldn’t listen. He said he wanted them to together watch if he was a believer and also his character. Sola went on with the marriage.

‘Aja to ba ma sonu kii gbo feere olode’. A Yoruba adage’ a dog that would get lost would not hear the hunter’s  whistle'

Many people do not know how critical the choice of a life partner can be. It can determine how happy or sad you will be throughout life which can in turn translate to how long you live or how early you can die. Someone who is not happy is likely to sink into depression and somewhere along the line when the pressure is too much they give up, give up the ghost. The spirit of a man is able to sustain him in sickness but if that spirit is low there is nothing to sustain.

A wrong partner can make or mar our lives.

I have seen women cry every day because their husbands did not show them love. Some because of verbal assaults in the home, husbands cheating, what they got was not what they planned. Some have even died due to depression. I will not over-flog the matter

So what should a person look out for before choosing a life partner?

This is of course dependent on your status as well. If you are born again, marrying an unbeliever is contradicting the word of God and of course that is disobedience. Be ready to dance to the music when it starts playing. You may spend the first 7 or 10yrs of your marriage together praying that he changes and behaves well rather than praying for other more progressive matters in your marriage. Total waste of spiritual energy. An unbeliever should marry another unbeliever. believe me they will most likely have a sweet marriage because they understand each other. abi what do you say?

Do you share the same / similar values? I mean do you believe in the same things? Do you think it’s okay to tell someone you are in Apapa while you’re in Ikeja? Do you believe in openness, trust? Family time? Family above work? Hardwork? A man should always be the one providing? A woman should not work but stay at home? The man is the head of the home and his decisions always final?

I look forward to your comments and questions.
To be continued

love from moi 