Thursday, April 18, 2013

Fighting the battles of life 1

Hmm, sometimes I may not plan to engage in a battle ; but when my mind has chosen to ; I have no choice but  to consent to the demands of my mind. It may be a battle of anger, hatred, jealousy or even envy. Indeed the battle happening in the mind is the greatest. 
I remember once it occurred to me that I had become jealous of someone; that my mind felt some form of anger as I thought of the person’s progress. I admitted this was a work of the flesh.  I went into my closet, repented and prayed earnestly that God would deliver me. That he would deliver me from this canker-worm called jealousy which could lead to hatred and even wickedness. 
Instantly to my greatest surprise, I was touched. I felt an instant release in my heart and joy welled up in my heart. I then remembered  what my Pastor said once ‘if it happened to someone, it is an indication that it will surely happen for you’.. Afterwards, whenever I saw the object of my jealousy I could only think love and positively of him. I had conquered my fear and won my battle just like that!

Be blessed!

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